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Business 2023-12-22

The Commoditization Manifesto

Commoditization refers to the process of transforming a product or service into a commodity, where it becomes standardized and interchangeable with other similar offerings in the market. This phenomenon has a long history, with products evolving from unique and specialized to mass-produced and standardized to cater to the needs of a growing consumer base. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of commoditization, as well as its historical context. Additionally, we will delve into non-physical products or services that have successfully undergone the process of commoditization.

By: Ben Klein

Gaming & Esports 2023-12-22

Getting Geared Up For Esports

Esports has become a global phenomenon, captivating millions of viewers and participants around the world.

By: Ben Klein

Application Development 2023-12-12

Navigating the Low Code Solution Landscape

Low-code development platforms have gained immense popularity in recent years, transforming the way applications are built and empowering businesses of all sizes to create software quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the world of low-code development, with a specific focus on three leading platforms: Oracle APEX, Microsoft PowerApps, and Through an unbiased examination of each platform’s capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and the broader pros and cons of low-code development, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the low-code landscape.

By: Ben Klein

Gaming & Esports 2023-11-24

The Virtual World of Esports

It was the year 2016. You are taking a nice brisk stroll through your favorite park. You are listening to the birds sing and watching the squirrels run back and forth from tree to tree. Your eyes are diverted to a group of teens running to various places in the park holding their phones as if they were Tricorders and they were performing a Star Trek enactment.

By: Ben Klein

Gaming & Esports 2023-11-17

Going to College to Play Games

Popular industries change, and universities and post-secondary schools need to change with what is trending. Now, I am not saying that universities need to follow fads, but they need to realize that graduates may be entering industries that may not even have existed twenty to thirty years ago.

By: Ben Klein

Computers 2023-11-10

Time To Retire or Another Lease On Life

You remember it as it was yesterday. Waiting in your house or office for that FedEx or UPS delivery. You can still smell that crisp clean box with the iconic Dell symbol on the front.

By: Ben Klein

Jobs & Careers 2023-10-27

Why Do You Want To Work Here?

This is a question that thousands of individuals, like myself, are answering these days. How should one really answer this question?

By: Ben Klein

Creative Writing 2023-08-01

A New World. A New Life.

What does it mean to be uploaded? What is it like to live in the Grid? I hope Dr. Harper can help me understand, and more importantly, come to terms. When I made the appointment with Dr. Harper, the receptionist said that I could meet with him as many times that I needed to. He does come very well recommended.

By: Ben Klein

AI 2023-07-31

Unveiling Shadows

As you may already know, after reading some of my articles so far, I rather enjoy writing up prompts for ChatGPT to see what gets generated. Yesterday, I wanted to see if ChatGPT can be a storyteller.

By: Ben Klein

Project Management 2023-07-24

Advantages of Using Behavior Driven Development for New Software Projects

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an agile software development approach that emphasizes collaboration, communication, and delivering value to customers.

By: Ben Klein

AI 2023-07-24

My Adventure Begins With AI Storytelling

History does repeat itself. At the turn of the 20th century, machines and factories made some jobs obsolete, while at the turn of the 21st century, some Internet based businesses (affectionately referred to as “.com’s”) made other jobs obsolete. Are we in the midst of a new revolution? An AI revolution?

By: Ben Klein

AI 2023-07-24

My Adventure Continues with AI Storytelling

Now, I am not a complete narcissist so I only needed to read about how great I was a few times before getting bored. Either that, or my ADHD just kicked in and told me it was time to try something new. So, I wanted to try out my AI instruction on a celebrity actor and entrepreneur that I have come to admire.

By: Ben Klein

AI 2023-07-24

Is AI Going To Takeover The World?

Here we are in the year 2023, the company OpenAI introduced us to their new product, ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a generative artificial intelligence engine. What does this mean? Well, putting it simply, it generates text, images, and other media. With the usage of OpenAI’s API (application programming interface) for ChatGPT, many companies and individuals have created some wonderful inventions, powered by the popular generative AI engine.

By: Ben Klein

PHP 2023-07-01

PHP 8 — Worth The Upgrade?

What do I think of the latest version of PHP (8.1 at the time of me writing this)?

By: Ben Klein